[18.44] Ashtavakra said, “The mind of one seeking liberation depends on things for perception. The mind of the liberated one perceives no-thing and is free of desire.” How do we make things out of our perception? Are we perceiving one appearance? How do I make a thing? How do I make a separation? How do …
Some of you might not know this; one of my favorite games is ‘I Am Awareness but….’ [Chuckles] Those who have been in Satsang for a while can get stuck in this game for quite a long time. The ‘but…’ might keep changing. ‘I’m Awareness but… how do I live it?’ ‘I’m Awareness but… where …
When you exist (the waking state comes, you exist) then when you exist, you will see (within Your own existence) all this play of phenomenality is playing out. Now, so far, we have been trained to go toward certain aspect of this phenomenality and avoid other aspects. Usually we go towards those aspects which give …
Q: The witness-er position also seems to shift for me. Sometimes witnessing is going on from different directions. That is how I perceive. A: He says, ‘The wittness-er position also seems to shift.’ Now, if there is a shift, there must be something which is witnessing that. You see? If that itself is shifting, then …
Q: What is coming up here is that belief seems only possible when I am not clear about my true position. A: Yes. That´s why I say that it is in your recognition of the true position, the Truth; here you will find so much space to let go of the position which the mind is …
[18.42] Ashtavakra said, “Some believe in existence; others believe nothing exists. Rare is the one who believes nothing and is never confused.” [Chuckling] “Some believe in existence; others believe nothing exists.” You see, there is a deep message in this where there are many, many schools of thought about where even existence comes from or …
[18.39] Ashtavakra said, “The fool thinks peace comes by controlling the mind. He will never attain it. The wise one knows Truth, and is stillness itself.” Don’t try to control the mind. Don’t try to change the quality of the mind also. Let the mind come and go. If you are the space in this …
[18.34] Ashtavakra said, “The ignorant man finds no peace either by effort or non-effort. The wise man by Truth alone is stilled.” “The ignorant man finds no peace…” Okay, again I am saying that this ‘man’ is not a gender thing. “The ignorant man finds no peace either by effort or non-effort.” It is all …
[18.36] Ashtavakra said, “The ignorant man will never be liberated by his repetitious practices. Blessed is he who by simple understanding enters timeless freedom.” So, the Sage must have seen some conditioning which is attached to practices, the aspect of the identity which must still be alive must be this, for a practitioner, meditator identity. …
[18.31] Ashtavakra said, “The liberated one does not exert effort to meditate or act. Action and meditation just happen.” So, action without the actor, meditation without the meditator. That is how it naturally has been always. It is only a conclusion that you keep thinking that there is some individual one here, (sitting here, put …
[18.28] Ashtavakra said, “Beyond stillness, beyond distraction, the great soul thinks nothing of liberation or bondage. Having seen the universe is void, even though it seems to exist, he is God.” Where is the dream you have dreamed last night? It seemed to exist. Where does this world go when you go to dreamless sleep? …
Chapter 18: Peace. [18.27] Ashtavakra said, “Having had enough of the endless workings of the mind, the wise one comes to rest. He neither thinks, nor knows, nor hears, nor sees.” Have we had enough of the endless workings of the mind? Or are we still feeling like, ‘There is the eternal secret that the …
Let’s do this small experiment. Bring to your attention something that you feel you are very attached to, or can’t do without in life. If that something was taken away, then you might feel like you won’t be able to survive or some great suffering might come and last for a long, long time. The …
Some of you might say ‘Why is it said, especially in Advaita Vedanta, that sufferings stops? Is suffering also not the will of Consciousness?’ That´s a very valid question. Why do we focus on this end of suffering or almost 100% end of suffering? Why is it an important notion in Vedanta? It is because …
[18.20] Ashtavakra said, “The wise one is not troubled by action or inactivity. He lives happily, doing whatever gets done.” “Doing whatever gets done” …, it’s a little bit Zen, no? …, these few verses? [Laughing] What was the earlier one? “His is life proceeds without him” is like “doing whatever gets done.” [18.21] Ashtavakra …
[18.5] Ashtavakra said, “The Self, which is absolute, effortless, timeless, immaculate, is without limits and at no distance from you. You are forever It.” How many clues in just one verse? Power-house verse, isn’t it? “Absolute, effortless, timeless, immaculate, beyond all limits.” What is it that is your discovery that conforms to all of these …
[18.11] Ashtavakra said, “Heaven or poverty, gain or loss, society or solitude, to the yogi free of conditioning there is no difference.” That’s pretty clear from whatever we have said so far. [18.12] Ashtavakra said, “Religious merit, sensory pleasure, worldly prosperity, discrimination between this and that; these have no significance to the yogi free of opposites such …
[18.4] Ashtavakra said, “The universe is but a thought in Consciousness. In Reality, it is nothing. One who sees the true nature of existence and non-existence never ceases to exist.” “The universe is but a thought in Consciousness.” Now, usually in Satsang, we have defined thought as that particular energy-construct which is always claiming our individuality; …
[18.6] Ashtavakra said, “For those whose vision becomes unclouded, illusion evaporates and the Self becomes known. All sorrow is instantly dispelled.” As you find yourself to be this timeless, non-phenomenal Self, you struggle to become miserable. What I mean is that it will be a struggle if you want to get suffering for yourself. All suffering …
[18.3] Ashtavakra said, “How can one whose innermost heart has been scorched by the sun of sorrow that comes from duty be happy until the sweet rain of torrential stillness?” Very poetic verse. What is that scorching that happens, that comes from duty? It means the sense of doership. ‘I must do.’ What did the Sage …