Welcome to Satsang with Ananta

Ananta shares Satsang with the blessings of his Guru, Sri Mooji. In Sanskrit, the word “Satsang” ("Sat” – truth, “sangha” – company) simply means being with the truth. Satsang with Ananta is an invitation for sincere seekers to come to the complete realization of the Self. In his presence, many beings have experienced a stillness of mind and an opening of the heart. Attention to thoughts reduces and the mind comes to rest. In this peace, our true nature reveals itself. Although words may be used in Satsang, communication also happens non-verbally, through a deeper transmission of the heart. All are welcome to attend. There is no registration required.

The Essence of Satsang

The Essence of Satsang

I have some more excellent news for you, which is that as you remain empty of interpretations and judgments, empty of concept, the recognition of Your True Self is inherently present. The Truth is apparent to You. So, you don’t have to struggle with this recognition, you don’t even have to struggle with making it stable; it just Is. All that can ‘seem to happen’ …

LATEST SATSANG Watch Video Of Latest Satsang

Willing to Risk It for God? #God #Satsang #Spirituality #Prayer

This Short is from: https://youtu.be/q5g4jSJRWn0?si=iXjEDDTVsyzwqvSI

What Does It Mean to Be Empty of Ourselves?

The Highlight is from: https://youtu.be/q5g4jSJRWn0?si=iXjEDDTVsyzwqvSI For more information on Satsang with Ananta, please visit: Website: https://anantasatsang.org Social Media: Facebook group with announcements of the schedule of Satsangs and how to join live on Zoom: https://www.facebook.com/groups/satsangwithananta/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/satsangwithananta/ https://www.instagram.com/ananta_garg/ https://instagram.com/ananta_garg_hindi/ #satsang #nonduality #spirituality #advaita

Satsang with Ananta - 16th October 2024

Satsang may start a bit later than scheduled. For more information on Satsang with Ananta, please visit: Website: https://anantasatsang.org Social Media: Facebook group with announcements of the schedule of Satsangs and how to join live on Zoom: https://www.facebook.com/groups/satsangwithananta/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/satsangwithananta/ https://www.instagram.com/ananta_garg/ https://instagram.com/ananta_garg_hindi/ #satsang #nonduality #spirituality #advaita

Life is unfolding spontaneously on its own.


Click below to know more about online Satsang schedules and special events. Satsangs are held every weekday.

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Watch videos of Satsangs to experience Ananta's pointings first hand. These videos are a great way to dive into Ananta's words and experience the depth of Satsang.



Read Ananta's words and pointings transcribed from video Satsangs from 2014 onwards. These words contain the essence of Ananta's teachings and can be downloaded for computers, devices, or to read online.

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About Ananta

Ananta (born, Tapan Garg) is a disciple of spiritual Guru, Sri Mooji. His quest for self-realization began in 1998, at the age of 23.

He spent the initial few years involved with Sri Sri Ravishankar's Art of Living Foundation. At one point, he seriously contemplated becoming a teacher of the Art of Living, but life led him in a different direction when he came a ...

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Reading From ‘The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi’

A: Reading from the chapter which is called ‘The Nature of the Self.’ The questioner asks, ‘What is Reality?’ He said, ‘Reality must be always Real.’ (Reality must be always Real.) ‘It is not with forms and names; that which underlies these is the Reality. It underlies limitations being Itself Limitless, it is not bound.’ …

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March 16, 2019

Reading From ‘The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi’

A: Reading from the chapter which is called ‘The Nature of the Self.’ The questioner asks, ‘What is Reality?’ He said, ‘Reality must be always Real.’ (Reality must be always Real.) ‘It is not with forms and names; that which underlies these is the Reality. It underlies limitations being Itself Limitless, it is not bound.’ …

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March 14, 2019

Silence Beyond the Absence of Words

Reading from Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi by Sri Ramana Maharshi, David Godman (Editor): The radiance of Consciousness Bliss in the form of Awareness shining equally within and without is the Supreme and blissful primal Reality. Its form is Silence and is declared by the Jnanis to be the final and un-obstruct-able …

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March 14, 2019

What Is the Experience of Truth If It’s Not a Perception?

It is not with forms and names. That which underlies these is the Reality.   So, when we hear this ‘underlies’ now, is it the same as we would hear as like a physical underlying? Or is it a different type of ‘underlies’?   Sangha: Different.   A: How is it different?   S: It …

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March 14, 2019

What Is Reality?

[Reading from page 8 of ‘Be as You Are’ by David Goodman about Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi]   Ananta: So, the questioner asks, “What is reality?”   Bhagavan answers, “Reality must be always real. It is not with forms and names. That which underlies these is the reality. It underlies limitations. Being itself limitless, it …

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BOOKS Books written by Ananta


Based on a series of talks given by Ananta between April to August 2014. “You are always the Awareness itself, and as Awareness you know that all that is appearing in front of you is just an appearance. There is no one here besides You. All appearances are a play of Consciousness. You stay as the Awareness itself. Once the one that wants to help vanishes, then pure grace and help will flow from You, from your Being itself. Do not get confused, my beloveds. This is all for your own good, for your own freedom. There is only You. You are all there is. All emerges from your own Being. And the way to bless the entire Being is to find your complete freedom.”


Can You Stop Being consists of excerpts taken from some of Ananta's earliest Satsang's between August to October, 2014. “Ask yourself right now: Can I stop being now? In this question you will see that there is a Being here; your own Presence, which cannot be stopped. This Being is not a man or a woman, it is just Being. Irrespective of what happens in the story of this life, this Being is unaffected, unchanged, untouched Consciousness. Prior to I am a person, I am a man, I am a partner, I am a parent, I am a child, prior to all of this: ‘I Am’.


This book is a selection of Satsang dialogues that took place between Novemmeber 2014 to October 2015. “Although it can sound simple, almost trivial, but to not believe our next thought is to experience the freedom, the non-resistive, non-suffering state, right now. You cannot suffer without buying your next thought. Even if you believed all your previous thoughts, this fresh moment is so beautiful and powerful that all prior conditioning has dissolved already unless we pick up the tree of conditioning again by pulling at the branch of the next thought.”


This book is a selection of satang dialogues that took place between January and February, 2016. “You see, the Knowing is always Knowing. Awareness is always Aware, and This is always 'I'. So although Being is coming to a realization of its Source, The 'I' has always been 'I' . Even in the playing of ‘I’ as ‘I Am’, ‘I’ has remained as ‘I’.”


This book is a selection of satang dialogues that took place between March and May, 2016. “That’s why I say that ‘You are free now’. What does that mean? As Awareness you are free. But the advice is ‘Keep coming to satsang’. For who? For the Beingness. There is nothing here for the person. You see? So Consciousness in this monologue is saying to Itself: ‘Hey, buddy, you know, it’s good, what we’ve walked together so far, but let’s just keep at it’. You know? That’s the real monologue that God is having with Itself. It’s all part of the game.”


This book is a compilation of short, poignant talks taken from online Satsangs with Ananta between 19th May to 11th July 2016. It is not the recognition which is difficult. More difficult is to give up our stories. But That which You Are, (and you’re recognizing it now), cannot have a story. That which is not phenomenal cannot have a story. That within which all phenomenon is born and dissolves cannot have a story. You Are This.


Based on a series of talks given by Ananta in July and August 2016. “Can it be that all the wise ones were fooling us with their imploration ‘Know Thyself’ just so that one day we would come to this conclusion that ‘The Truth about the Self is unknowable’? The Realization of the Self is completely possible! The Self is completely Knowable! But not in the way we think. Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's repeated advice to inquire ‘Who Am I?’ and Nisargadatta Maharaj's guidance to stay with the sense ‘I Am’ was not so that one day they could say ‘Fooled you!’ There is a big clue in the phrase ‘Know Thyself’. The clue is to look at this Knowing itself.”


This is the 8th book of Ananta Satsang talks, taken from online satsangs from 5th September to 19th October 2016. Meet me here where we are One. Meet me here where the universe is just a tiny firefly. Meet me here before time and space. Meet me where meeting Me is to meet Yourself.


This book contains simple pointings, contemplations, guided inquiry and powerful discussions from online satsangs between 26th Oct. to 15th Dec. 2016. “I feel [this] is the gist of what has been shared from here over the years; the gist of what Advaita Vedanta really is trying to convey. It has been a great gift in this life here. Meeting all of you also has been the greatest gift that my Master has given. I have so much gratitude in my Heart for all of you. Thank you for being this beautiful Sangha, my beautiful friends and family. May we all never forget the beautiful grace we have all had in our lives to have the opportunity to be at the feet of Satguru Sri Moojiji.”


Based on a series of talks from Satsang with Ananta, April through September 2017." What witnesses everything and Itself remains unchanging? This one sentence is more than enough, actually." "Satsang is nothing but these two aspects, which are completely inter-linked: What is it that I truly Am? and the dissolution of the belief in this idea of limitation."


Based on a series of talks from Satsang with Ananta, from first of October through end of December 2017. “If it is picked up, it is picked up. Now it's gone. No concept has ever survived this moment. Isn’t this good news? No concept has ever, ever survived this moment. You are empty of it Now.”


This book is a compilation of a series of Satsang talks from 1st January through 23rd February, 2018. “Look at truly what your starting point already is. Once you See that in the beginning itself You are All-There-Is, then what to do with this idea of getting something? These are the gifts of our notionless Existence. As we don’t create a notional, conceptual boundary about ourselves, as we include all sensations and perceptions in our own Being, we See that ‘I witness all of this. There is only One without another and This is MySelf.’ This is Your starting point already. This is the best news.”


This book has been compiled from online Satsangs, 1st March to 14th June 2018. “The bigger meaning of Grace is that it is the will of Consciousness Itself which is all-inclusive. Everything is included in that. This is Grace. When we say ‘Guru Kripa Kevalam’ it means ‘Only the Master’s Grace Is.’ We start to see then that it is one unfolding; it is one movement of Consciousness. The physical form of the Master is the embodiment of this Satguru, the Divine Presence in Your Heart. Everything is unfolding in Its light. This Guru is the light of our Existence. We will See ultimately that everything is the Grace of this Divine Presence; everything is this Satguru’s Grace, is God’s Grace.”


Taken from online Satsangs 25th June to 21st August 2018, these simple pointings, contemplations, guided inquiries and interactions with sangha are full of Ananta’s direct insights, love and laughter. “It is not possible to find the Absolute through conceptual or perceptual understanding. I’m pointing you to emptiness. To put one drop is to fill my cup. What does the empty cup look like? To know one thing is to know too much. What do I know when I know nothing?”


Compiled from transcripts from Ananta Satsangs (27th August to 1st November 2018) these simple pointings, contemplations, and interactions with sangha are full of Ananta’s direct insights, love and laughter. “What is apparent to You Now, without making any distinction, without using any terminology, not even Satsang terminology? We have made a nice nest with all the concepts about Consciousness, Awareness and ‘What I have to do to stay there’. Don’t rest even in that. Don’t make any conclusion, any judgment. I say to you that the Truth is apparent to You Now, the Complete Truth is apparent to You Right Now, fully. There is no time in which this is not true. Only our intellect seems to cloud it, our judgments, our interpretations, our labels. They seem to cloud it, but not really. In the Right Now, the Absolute Truth is apparent to You. But not to your mind.”


This is the 16th book of Ananta Satsang excerpts (not including the paperback/kindle on Amazon) taken from online Satsangs from the 5th of November to the 31st of December 2018. These simple yet powerful pointings, contemplations, guided inquiries and interactions between Ananta and sangha are full of Ananta’s direct insights, love and laughter, continuously opening us to direct realization of the ever-present Truth. “Right Here and Now, the Truth is Apparent to You. Your own Presence is un-deniable, un-miss-able. But this Self has given Itself the power to consider Itself to be limited. In your openness, in your emptiness, all the Truth that needs to be discovered, the Self that you are looking for, is realized. There is no distinction between openness and realization.”


This book was created from transcripts of Ananta’s online Satsangs from 1st January to 7th February 2019. Ananta takes on concepts and interpretations in this book and the way many can miss the living direct experience of the Truth by holding onto spiritual concepts left over from moments of revelation instead of meeting and living this Truth fresh each Now. Ruthlessly exposing yet gently showing step-by-step how the Truth cannot be spoken and what living without concepts is actually revealing to us, this book is full of Ananta’s direct insights, poignant clarity, and interactions with the Sangha, always sprinkled with generous doses of love and laughter.

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