Q: Beloved Father, sometimes you take us on a ride of emptiness when even I do not exist. How is that related to what you say now? A: I say that when you are empty of all notions, the Truth of ‘I’ is apparent. Let’s take an example. I shared this the other day also …
This is the Truest Power of Now. What is the truest power of Now? Is that in this Now, you are empty of all your conditions. All the projects that you could have picked up to try and come to the truth is already done for you. I don’t know how to convey this, actually. …
When your gear is on neutral, you have no trouble. Just to take the car metaphor a little more further, it can feel like for a bit that you are taking your hands off the steering wheel. It can seem like the life is still moving, so it can feel like the car is moving. …
When your gear is on neutral, you have no trouble. Just keep your gear on neutral. You can get this internationally also? The same thing applies? Gears are neutral? Even the automatics have neutral gears? [Someone from Satsang laughs and replies ‘Yes’] So, remain in neutral. Neutral means ‘position-less, notion-less’ as I’ve been saying in …
Can you stop being? Just because the question is simple doesn’t mean that the insight is not tremendous. You don’t have to find that which is so obviously here. You can’t even stop it. Just stop being. Don’t be for a second. Don’t exist. Go away from yourself. Separate yourself from your existence. Don’t be. …
Q: Can you talk about: What lasts beyond death? A: What lasts beyond death? One example could be: A glass is full, or the glass is empty; what’s in the glass? Once it’s empty, what’s in it? Q: Space…, air. A: Air. Suppose it is empty of air also… Q: Space. A: Space. So, it …
Firstly, it is very good that we’re not in some sort of Advaita denial. Advaita denial means that the experience is something but we’re using a concept from Advaita to try and fight that experience. So, if the experience is that I’m feeling fearful, and I’m using the concept ‘Oh, I am the Self; I …
Q: When you speak of notions, about Atma…, is that about a notion or dropping of the notion? A: Yes. It is that thorn which you are using it to remove the thorns. But your Atma is independent of the notion ‘I am Atma’. You being seeker is dependent on the notion ‘I am the …
Omkar had posted something very beautiful the other day from Papa Ramdas ji (Swami Ramdas). So, I’ll read a bit of that here. Swami ji is saying: “What is self-realization? It is the giving up the pretention that You are not the Self, that You are a mere body. People say to me, “You are …
I don’t need to say anything, actually. Like I was sharing this story the other day. I feel all of you have heard it or read it, so I won’t tell the full version. There was this very learned, accomplished seeker who once went to this Sage called Yājñavalkya. This accomplished seeker was saying ‘I’ve …
A: The mind uses even our deepest spiritual insights to make it about ‘me’. (‘I found it. Why does this still happen?’) How quick we are to pick up. You could be experiencing your very original Self in which there is no ‘me’ and ‘no’ you. All this universe might be just a little bit …
I was saying the other day that even the idea of ‘Just being; to just be’ can also become a position…, that ‘I found a way to be free, and the way to be free is to just be.’ But in the ‘Just be’ the ‘I’ who is doing the ‘Just be’ is not there. …
A: But joy is also a taste. This Perceiver, is it joyful? Or joyless? Q: Joyful. A: If joy was not there, will it cease to be? In the sense that, when you are not feeling joy, when you are feeling sorrow, say you are feeling grief…, does the Perceiver go away? (Independent of whatever …
A: So, we’ll go very slowly and stop me where you feel to, or where you feel like you’re lost; just stop me there and we’ll repeat that part. ‘How you know something now?’ So, let’s go slowly on that. So, you have a perception of something; you have the experience, a phenomenal experience of …
A: First we have to say ‘What is this mind? Who is perceiving this mind?’ Q: Is the mind only perceiving the mind or …? A: That is what I am asking; is the mind perceiving the mind? Q: No. A: No. [Laughs] This is when you know the answers. So, who is, then? It …
A: So, we got so used to making a report about ourself on the basis of this side of attention [Makes a gesture away from the body] which is the content which is being brought. Q: Exactly. A: So, that´s why I draw this line of Being. [Holds up the side of his hand] Actually …
If they made a move called ‘Finding Nemo’…, but suppose the premise of the movie was that Nemo goes looking for Nemo. Would you say it is absurd? The movie starts with the character named Nemo and he says ‘I have to go and find Nemo.’ You say ‘What crazy movie is this?’ Isn’t it …
This is a very nice report actually, as far as seva is concerned here, because we don’t have an ashram and we don’t have any donation, nothing; no financial work needs to be done, no actual physical work (not much; some of them, some cleanup things happen here that needs to be done). So here, …
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi said that ‘The discovery of True Knowledge is only the letting go of ignorance.’ So, letting go of ignorance is all that is needed. We don’t have to find anything, because to find would mean it is not You. Recognition, True recognition, is always apparent when the false is let go …
The Being is the Light of this Universe. Within Your Being, such beautiful qualities are born; sound, light, gravity, objects, space, fire, water, all these elements. All of these are here because You Are. And when you have had enough of the play of this experience, all of this vanishes; and yet You Are. What …