A: So, you said that you have a fear that you hope that you don’t mess up. More important is to recognize that as long as it is a phenomenal relationship like this, there are going to be mess ups. Mess ups are inevitable and mess ups will happen from both sides. You have to …
Q: [Broken English] You know, what I have been speaking to you about this, two weeks ago or so; there is still [something]. But just want to speak from ‘now’ experience. I can say that it seems like something maybe changed since then. Usually, when I don’t follow the thoughts and just stay as Being, …
If you are going to hear something in an untroubled way (if it is going to trouble you, then leave it) but if you’re going to hear something in an untroubled way…, if you just look at this little deeper, you See that: Only the Self Is. Only Is-ness Is. I don’t want to inject …
[Reads from chat] “Even the most intimate body sensations are Seen in ‘I Am’. Do these not aid in the sense of Existence? Or can Existence stand alone, untouched by any affirmation of Its Existence?” The ‘I Am-ness’ is the affirmation of the sense of Existence already. This is already the affirmation of your Existence, …
Let’s talk about the Self. [Laughter] But about the Self, nothing can be said. [Smiling] So, maybe all that we are doing is talking about how to get rid of the ideas of the non-self. But strangely enough, they all gone now. In this moment, the Now, there is nothing. So, first, shall we invent …
A: I just want to remind you that this is the nature of the mind. We met in the retreat, we had a beautiful meeting, and you said to me that ‘Father, the only thing I want to do for the rest of my life is say Thank You to you.’ Not so long ago. …
[Having read a chat message, Ananta says]: The short version of what she is saying is that ‘There still comes some anger towards you. The mind says ‘You, Father, are not helping me get rid of the ‘me’. How much am I going to go through? So much I have trusted you, had faith. Why …
[Reading from chat] “What can I do to realize that I am all alone and to realize it without falling back into delusion?” Actually, even the concept of ‘alone’ relies on the concept of separation somewhere. [Silence] When you are checking on what is naturally present, you are just finding that there is just one …
[Reading from chat]: “Sometimes thoughts arise as a ravenous curiosity about something that is not known in the moment, accompanied by strong belief that I must know in order to be fulfilled, as if I am missing an integral piece of the jigsaw image of myself. I see that when these thoughts are not arising, …
I am very happy. One thing that I must point out to everyone is that many of you are reporting of this; how the mind can become very attached to even the Advaita positions and the concepts of Advaita. We feel like ‘These are the final concepts; I have to hold onto those.’ But that …
[Reading from chat]: Q: It seems that in the heart space is where ‘I Am’ originates or resides, physically in the chest. The brain is here, is where all these sensed-perceptions are mixed in to the super-perception and attention to these perceptions. Meanwhile, the upper half of the body area seems (as silly as it …
Let’s look at it very objectively, if possible, based on whatever I am sharing in Satsang. If you were to take a poll and say ‘How worthy…, how much worthiness should be there in one to discover what I am pointing to?’ [Smiles] Q: A poll? A: A poll where they say ‘This much worthiness …
Q: Namaste Father. Actually, I am not quite sure why I came up, but just felt to just come up. There is no burning question as such, but just felt to come up. [Silence] A: If there is one stubborn thought that you believe about yourself, that you would like to expose in the …
You are the light of this world. All exists in the Existence of Your light. Can you testify to the existence of even the sun, which seems like the biggest light you can come across? Can you testify to its existence unless You exist? So, This Existence is being explored here. This is Your Being, Your God …
You don’t need a concept to exist. But you do need a concept to pick up the pretense of the limited one. You do need a concept to suffer. The non-existent me is the super-concept that all other concepts are selling you. But Your Being, God, is just here naturally and effortlessly. And in Satsang, …
A: Who does the ‘I’ represent? We’ve been doing this little exercise [Chuckles] to say ‘I’. Say ‘I’. [Glances at Sangha] Sangha says: ‘I’ A: In this ‘I’…, what are you representing? Because it is the term we often use; very, very often. It seems to be central in our existence, this ‘I. And if …
It occurred to me a little while ago that life is usually lived in one of two ways. Life is lived in one of two ways. One is ‘God Now’. You say ‘God is Here’. God Now. And the second is ‘me-ow’. [Laughter in the room] That is basically all we are saying in Satsang. …
Now, one of the most (I won’t say fun almost, but fun also sometimes) seemingly-very-painful parts of this play is the ‘me’ trying to become God or trying to find God. And this is what the Sages have referred to as ‘The fish swimming in the water thirsting for water.’ But it is actually one …
A: That’s why Bhagavan [Sri Ramana Maharshi] himself said ‘If there is a choice, then make the choice not to go with your thought stream. Then you will see that even this choice was just a play of Grace itself.’ To refer to YourSelf as ‘me’ you need a thought. To just Be, to remain as …
Q: Something exists but it I can’t really say it is ‘I’. A: Does it feel like the Existence of another? Q: No, it is just that there is no ‘I’ A: Yes, just that a sense of Being is present but you cannot refer to it as ‘I’. Is that what you mean? Q: …