Although I make the point very trivially sometimes that the answer to all ‘why’ is Consciousness, we must try to answer ‘Why’ for something within Consciousness only if we feel like we can answer ‘Why Consciousness?’ Why Consciousness in the first place? Why do I exist? If you want to tackle a ‘Why’ take the biggest …
Sometimes I joke and say (well it is a half-joke) [Smiles] that my highest pointing is ‘Don’t make anything a thing.’ Actually, nothing is originally a ‘thing.’ How many have no clue about what I am talking about? [Chuckles] Then we can slow down a bit. [Smiles] Let us see; let us see how it …
This Divine Presence, as You are meeting it Now…, sometimes the mind will come and say ‘Yes, I just have to hold on to this. I just have to hold onto this.’ What I am suggesting, Now that you’re Here, is: Try to get rid of it. Run from it, run from your Divine Presence. …
I am the bearer of good news [Chuckles]. What is the good news? Good news is that ‘God is Here’. And even more ‘I Am’. Your very Existence is the only Being there is. This ‘I Am’ is not Ananta’s ‘I Am’. There is only one ‘I Am’. And this is apparent to You. When …
There can be only two possibilities. The first possibility is that ‘You are the Self.’ The second possibility is that ‘You are at some distance from the Self.’ So, seeking Self-realization implies that ‘I must be at some distance from the Self.’ This must be the presumption before we have the idea of finding the …
Master Bankei said ‘All things are perfectly resolved in the unborn.’ It is quite conclusive, okay? ‘All things are perfectly resolved in the unborn’ leaves no scope for anything. And what is this unborn? It is Your very notion-less Existence. How to get to this notion-less Existence? You are already, Now…, and Now Pick up …
Q: Could you put some clarity on what could be an experience? When I say I ‘experience ‘ something, sometimes it feels like the mind is a different entity. Like when you say it’s trying to sell you something, you know? From the mental ‘I-me’ perspective it feels like this other one is coming. A: …
Can you not be? Try to stop being. Just don’t be for a moment. Possible? It is not coming and going. So, this ‘something’ notion (‘I am man, I am women, I am forty-three, I am parent, I am this.’) all these notions are the conceptual dust I am talking about. All this is just …
Q: If everything is one, then me or maya [Illusion] is also one. If yes, how to feel and experience in real that they are one? A: Actually, it is already your experience. That’s what I have been saying from the beginning. [Chuckles] Our experience is very much this, but our notion is not. So, …
Now what happens if you make a distinction? This ‘D’ of distinction [Smiles] will lead to the ‘D’ of duality. Distinction implies that there is one that is separate from another, and very quickly implies that there is a ‘me’ and there is a ‘world’ …, there is a ‘me’ and ‘other.’ Just on one …
Is there any problem with this natural Existence? Why do we want to exchange this God with no problems, this God Now, for just an idea of our self which has all kinds of desire, doership, grievances, pride? It is not a sensible deal to me. To exchange ‘God Now’ for ‘me-ow’ is not a …
Suppose we had a very important visitor coming today. If I said ‘This evening a very important visitor is coming, so can we clean up the place a bit?’ [Smiles] We clean up the place, scrubbed everything nice and fresh. And when we come in the evening, we find that actually the visitor has always …
That is the nature of attachment. Because the mind will come and make you believe that it is something that you have to leave. No. What you said earlier is very beautiful. Include everything as You. ‘Don’t make distinctions’ doesn’t mean that you just have to leave or you have to renounce. Nothing like that. …
A: This becomes so natural that people around you might come to you and say ‘What is this you have? Can’t you share some of this? You teach or share Satsang?’ [Chuckles] And yet, one day you notice your mouth starts speaking something; usually in response to a question from that what we traditionally call …
So, now no distinction. And this will become more and more natural. It can feel like, initially, that there is some effort involved to drop the distinction, but this is worthwhile, even if it feels like it is some effort. Just you can feel like ‘But everywhere I look, the label is coming, the label …
The Invitation is that all of that has to go to the funeral pyre. We can presume that it is already gone. It’s going to go anyway. [Smiles] And what is left? [Silence] It’s going to go. [Silence] Is there any position which you can take now which will remain? Now, the good news is …
What are we letting go of? We are letting go of ideas and concepts about the experience. The experience itself, we cannot let go of. We cannot have this waking state (unless you are some special mediator) …, you cannot get to those states where you are but the state is not. The waking state …
[Reading from chat]: All looks so alien, Father, like I am not even on the planet; just a remote sensory instrument. A: Yes, and that is like one toenail that you have; this which we consider ourselves to be (‘I’) for so long that we see that it’s still around. But it is not the …
[Reading from chat]: “Thoughts are also heard as voice; the voice of mind as if I’m speaking.” Yes. But we did this and everybody has a different experience of this. Many years ago (I don’t know how many of you were there) we did this exercise where we said ‘how do your thoughts appear to …
We were joking after Stasang yesterday that as long as you play the cat, the Master has to be the ‘ow’. [Chuckles] What does this mean? As long as you keep saying ‘meow, meow’ [Smiles] the Master has to come and ask ‘who?’ All of this confusion is just this; the misrepresentation of ‘me’. And …